Teach Digital Citizenship Creatively

Looking for an engaging way to teach your elementary students about digital citizenship? Look no further! Our friends at Common Sense Education have created three digital books on Book Creator’s platform that brings their curriculum to life. These books can be viewed online by clicking here! No account required. Read on for information about how ...

Canvas tool bits

Canvas Student Assignment Enhancements

You may see a green icon appearing on your students' assignments and wonder what it is and how did it get there. This was a feature added last year that we recently turned on. What it does The Student Assignment Enhancement allows students to monitor their progress within an individual assignment. It tracks which attempt ...

Optimizing your Clever Teacher Page

As we kick off the new school year, teachers are busy creating classroom communities, as well as organizing and orienting students to both their physical space and their digital space. Clever is one key aspect of our digital spaces, helping students and families find the resources and information that they need quickly and efficiently.   Below are ...

Canvas tool bits

Bulk Edit Assignment Due Dates in Canvas

You have successfully imported your course and even adjusted the due dates, but they are not quite right. Or perhaps you removed the due dates. There is a quick and efficient way to adjust due days or remove them altogether. First, navigate to your course and then Assignments. From there select the 3 "more options" ...

Canvas tool bits

Beginning of the Year with Canvas

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our students on August 31, many who have not been on campus for a year and a half. We want to make sure everything is ready to go and one of those spaces is Canvas. Changes and Tips for the 2021-2022 School Year As you may have noticed, ...

Canvas tool bits

Canvas Course Checklist

In an effort to help improve the user experience for teachers, students and parents, a committee of teachers and administrators developed the Canvas Course Checklist. You can use this to guide you as you are beginning to set up your Canvas courses. ISD-Canvas-Course-Checklist-21-22Download

Canvas tool bits

Canvas Quizzes, What’s the Difference?

If you have enabled New Quizzes in your course, you can either set to ALWAYS use new quizzes or be asked to select between new and classic quizzes each time. I do suggest having the option to choose. You might be wondering what the difference is between the two types of quizzes and let me ...

Canvas tool bits

End of Year and Your Canvas Course

The end of the year is approaching and you may wonder what you need to do with your Canvas course(s). Here are some reminders to support you as you wrap up this year and start thinking about next year. Grading As the end of year approaches, you will want to make sure all your grading ...

Seesaw: End of Year

The end of the year is HERE! Teachers and students have worked hard in remote, hybrid, and concurrent settings during this school year. They have added so much valuable learning to their Seesaw portfolios. Below are some tips and tricks as we close the chapter to this year.   Tip 1: Check your Account (Continuing in the District)  ...

Canvas tool bits

Canvas Student Annotation Submissions

Great news for teachers looking for a way to create annotated assignments. As of May 15, Canvas has a new annotated assignments option now available under online submission types. What does this mean? When creating a new assignment, the teacher can select "Online" and a new check box will be available for "Student Annotation." Teachers ...

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