Episode 1.6

In our sixth episode, we discuss tech tools for classroom management, creating equity with BYOD and begin what we hope will be an ongoing discussion about how tech can support and encourage diversity in the classroom.

Bell Ringer – Tech Tools for Classroom Management


Valerie shared how she uses a process she calls Real Time Feedback, that utilizes Google Docs and her projector to display information about student behavior so they can monitor and adjust.

Carrie is a big fan of Triptico.

Tricia loves to use timers. Her favorites are Minu Timer and 30/30.

Josh shared how used OneNote to record observations about student behavior and also is a big believer in Student Response Systems such as Socrative.

Tech Talk – BYOD and Equity

In this segment we discuss the efficacy of BYOD and how to ensure equity amongst your students when trying to utilize the powerful computers in their pockets.

Check out this video introduction on BYOD, our district resource site and this great article on tools for BYOD.

Application Time – Using Tech To Support and Encourage Diversity In the Classroom

Tricia leads us in a discussion around different ways that tech can be used to supports different types of diversity.

Show and Tell


Google Expeditions – Valerie shared how excited she was at the opportunity to participate in the Google Expeditions Pioneer program, which brought out class sets of Google’s foray into Virtual Reality


Josh shared how reading the book version of 2001: A Space Odyssey with his son led to some deep and meaningful conversations around the role of tech and our own development as a species.


Eval Tool – Carrie gave a shout out to Dennis Wright and the evaluation tool he developed for the Issaquah School District.


Blockposters – Blockposters is a web tool that let’s you easily create large posters made up of 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper.