Category: Knowledge Constructor

ISTE’s List of 10 Fact- and Bias-checking sites.

Continuing with November's Ed Tech theme of focusing on the ISTE student standard of Knowledge Constructor, indicator (3B) says that students should be able to "evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information media, data or other resources." In March, 2017, ISTE posted a list of its top ten sites to help students check facts ...

Actively Learn as an Adaptive Technology

How the Use of Actively Learn Can Help Differentiate Instruction and Assist Students with Learning Disabilities  Teachers are asked to differentiate their instruction to respond to the needs and differences represented by the student population in their classroom. Time constraints and large classroom sizes make the implementation of differentiated instruction very difficult, especially when considering that general education teachers are asked ...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Story Corps began in October 2003 with the opening of a storybooth in Grand Central Terminal in New York City, their mission is to "preserve and share humanity's stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world." Story telling and listening are critical skills for our students and ...

Google It

November's theme for Ed Tech is the Knowledge Constructor ISTE standard: How many times have we suggested that students can find a great resource to help with homework if they Google it, only to find they have been searching MATH hoping for the right content. In a time when most knowledge can be Googled, Sara ...