Canvas Grading Updates

You may have noticed that you have a few new features to explore when accessing your Canvas gradebook and Speedgrader.

First, within the Canvas gradebook, you can now search for assignments by name as well as searching by student name.

In addition to searching within gradebook, you now have the ability to add status labels in speedgrader. Using the edit icon in the upper right, you can tag an assignment with late, missing, or excused. You can also remove the tag here as well.

While talking about missing and late tags, just a reminder that these will only generate automatically with online submission types. When establishing an online assignment, but collecting paper-versions of the assignment, consider having students still submit to the assignment. By allowing textbox submissions and having students write “Submitted on paper,” it will recognize that they have engaged with the assignment and prevent the missing or late tag being generated.

Another option is to allow the due date to pass and then add the grade and remove the missing tag manually for paper submissions. Avoid doing this before the submission due date as it will automatically reset to missing once the due date passes.

To quickly navigate between students (outside of speedgrader) use the side entry box and arrow navigation. You can quickly add a score, change or add a status and even add a comment.

For more on Canvas please check out past posts such as using the default grading feature and organizing your assignment view.

  1. Status labels WITHIN the assignment?!?!?! YIPPEE!!!!!


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