What is KCLS?

KCLS or King County Library System is an online database of books, journals, articles, magazines, and audio books available to Issaquah School District teachers and students.

Teacher accounts provide full access to:

  • KCLS eBooks and downloadable materials.
  • Databases for professional uses.

It does not include a physical card or the ability to check out physical items from the library.

How do I access KCLS?

KCLS is accessible through Clever for elementary teachers and Classlink for secondary teachers.

How do I log into KCLS?

  • The teacher account number is the Issaquah School District’s three digit number 411 followed by the letter t (lowercase) and each staff member’s Skyward login (uppercase).
  • The Pin number is the last four digits of each staff member’s Skyward login (uppercase).

For example, a staff member named John Doe would be:

Barcode: 411tJDOE22

Pin/Password: OE22

Supporting Student Login

Student login will require students to know their ASB number.

User Name: 4 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 digit ASB card number)

PIN/Passcode: _ _ _ _ (Last 4 digits of ASB card number)

Helpful Hints

To start accessing KCLS online resources with your teacher account, go to www.kcls.org/students and choose your grade level you teach. Click on the online resource you want to use and login when prompted. Teachers will not be able to login using the red “Log In” button on any KCLS’ web page.

Find more about using your account on this BNP post.

Where can I get help with KCLS?

Teacher Librarians often have the inside scoop on accessing KCLS. You can always contact any of the Instructional Technology Specialists in the Ed Tech department as well. We are here to help.