Canvas New Quizzes, Export with Images

New Quizzes are continually being updated by Canvas and one of the known quirks that is currently happening is that when copying New Quizzes to another course, the images or media files are not being included.

Canvas has recommended that users use the export and import feature to maintain the integrity of the images and media files. We have found that the migration process, within a course, also keeps the images and files as expected, so we are offering a couple of ways for you and your team to consider as you continue to work with New Quizzes.

Export and Import of a Single New Quiz

From the original course (such as a sandbox) find the quiz and open it in “Build.” You will then select the option to Export and a file will be created. This might take some time for larger quizzes with more content.

[1] Choose Exports from the menu; [2] Choose “Create Export”; [3] A downloadable Quiz Export file will be available when the export is completed.

Once you have the export file, you will then open the course you need the quiz in. Navigate to Settings and choose “Import Course Content” from the far right menu.

[1] Choose the QTI zip file type; [2] Make sure to check that you want to import this as a New Quizzes otherwise it will default to a Classic Quiz; [3] Complete the Import

This process will then import New Quizzes with images and media files. This is a process for a single quiz.

Export and Import for Bulk Migration of Quizzes

If you are prepared to move multiple quizzes at one time, you will want to use the bulk migration option. You could export both Classic and New Quizzes and import them all as New Quizzes in this process.

From your course with all of the quizzes you will need, navigate to Settings. Similar to the process above, you will use the far right menu, but choose “Export Course Content.”

[1] Choose the export type as “Quiz”; [2] Choose which quizzes you would like to select such as “All Quizzes” or use checks to select specific quizzes; [3] Create Export to generate a file that you can then download

Once the file is generated and you have downloaded it, you use it in the course where you want the quizzes to be imported. You will use the same process as described above in the single quiz import, but will now be importing multiple quizzes with your QTI zip file.

Classic Quiz MIgration to New Quizzes

If you are still working on building your New Quizzes library and have most of your content as Classic Quizzes, consider this alternative option.

Consider moving the Classic Quiz with the content and images into the desired course. Then use the migration process to create a New Quizzes version. Since the process of copying a Classic Quiz still brings images and media content with it, you will already have the content in your course! You can then just use the migration process to make it a New Quizzes version and it will preserve the media content.

We hope that one of these options is viable to you as you continue to use New Quizzes, which offer several features not available in Classic Quizzes. For more on the three processes shared here, please feel free to watch the following video:

This video explains all three ways of including images for New Quizzes.

As always, we are happy to hear ideas on how you are using Canvas and to share tips and ideas here. If you have one you would like to share, please make sure to tell your Ed Tech Lead or TOSA.

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