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What is Canvas?

Canvas is a digital learning platform that brings teachers, students and parents into one place for learning. Each secondary class has space for announcements, discussions, collaboration, assignments, quizzes and includes a calendar that tracks everything that goes on inside of Canvas. Additionally, Canvas has the ability to connect to textbooks and external tools such as Office 365, Flipgrid and Actively Learn, allowing teachers to connect students to powerful learning experiences.

What does Canvas Do?

Canvas does most everything you want to do in an online learning space. In Canvas you can do the following:

  • Create calendar events to notify students and parents about what is going on in class
  • Create announcements that go out to students and parents
  • Host threaded discussions
  • Create, assign and grade work through Canvas’ power assignment tool
  • Share feedback through Canvas Speed Grader and Gradebook
  • Create course specific content such as web pages and links to websites
  • Connect and bring in textbooks
  • Connect to external tools such as Office 365, Flipgrid and Actively Learn

How do I access Canvas?

Visit Canvas by logging into Issaquah’s Canvas Portal which will take you to a dashboard of courses that you are teaching and enrolled in.


How do I log into Canvas?

Visit and use the following credentials:

Username: ISD email address (e.g. –

Password: ????????

Helpful Hints

Control Notifications

Lorem ipsus delora

Give assignments to individual sections

Lorem ipsus delora


Add External Apps

Resources for Students and Parents


Where can I get help with Canvas?

Each school building has an Ed Tech Lead (a fellow staff member) who can help you with any questions you might have.  You can find out who your Ed Tech Lead is here.

You can always contact any of the Instructional Technology Specialists in the Ed Tech department as well. We are here to help.